Monday, February 6, 2012

Finally, the boys had their first outing here:)

After 3weeks of minimum going-out due to cold weather, the boys got the chance to experience their first outing in Munich! They were very excited, thrilled and eager. The preparation part was really a big tedious job. We have to wear layers and layers of clothes..log-john (thermal inner), t-shirt, trousers, jacket, head cover, gloves, socks etc..Once everyone was ready, we started our walking to S-Bahn station which is 5 minutes away from our apartment. From Markt Schwaben to Rosenheimer Platz. The train stopped for 9 times before reaching our destination. At each stop, afnan and ayman would ask, “Dah sampai ke, mama?”…huhu..very excited! mama + athif

tokpa at the back waiting for train

the sleeping prince

after shopping:)

me and athif (again)



Indeed it was a very tiring, also dramatic and tiring Saturday. Most importantly, the kids had fun, the adults too:) We plan to go out again next Saturday insyaAllah, provided the boys are well-behaved throughout this week..hehe

note: On Sunday, most of the shooping malls are closed here. Sunday is meant for family day



  1. happy to see finally the boys got the chance to experience Munich City..pray the weather will not further drop..take the greatest care mama!

  2. alaa... bestnyer tgk diorg dpt kuar...
    tp jaket depa nmpk mcm tak cukup tebal la eeja...
    aku wish, aku blh pegi jenguk korang.. :(

  3. Yes, next2 week outing together with papa:) insyaAllah

    Lizaaaa, pls come here, stay umah kami over the weekend? xlarat kami nak usung semua g frankfurt..jomlaa leh jumpa ain skali, baru tau apparently korang xpenah jumpa, huhu

  4. aku wish sgt, aku buleh pi...

    patutnya aku ngan ain jadik last minute kami tak jd pindah.. so rapat di alam maya saja... huhuhuuu...

    korang dah dpt rumah br...?

  5. Dah dpt, alhamdulillah ni umah kat obermenzing..yg ni dekat sket ngan ofis, ngan umah ain pun dekat kalo compare dgn umah dulu.

  6. eeja... add skype aku...
