Monday, March 16, 2009


Actually i have a lot of ideas for the next entry but i just don't have time. i just knew that for the ITQC paper, no longer like before where now i need to prepare paper similar to TC's..Arghhhh!!!..more paper work!!! why i'm not the boss??huhu..

i'm sad MU lost to Liverpool but happy Chong wei beat Lin Dan..yeah!MALAYSIA BOLEH!!


  1. ekeke.. seb baek ade ayat mesia tuh.. tp ye leh.. out of 15 matches Chong Wei dapat gak menang 4 kali. So yg baghu tuh add laie le untuk die. Tp awat dua2 cina eh? Sairul Amar Ayob ke, Pandak Nordin ke.. yg ade bin la.. xbisa maju kah deme2 tuh inchek koi? ekekek
